Tuesday, November 26, 2019
French Expressions Using Bouche
French Expressions Using Bouche The French word une bouche literally means any kind of mouth - of a person, an oven, a volcano... - and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to say food bills, gourmet, astonished, and more with this list of expressions with bouche. Expressions with Bouche le bouchebouchekiss of life, mouth-to-mouth resuscitationune bouche feugun ​une bouche daà ©rationair vent, inletune bouche de chaleurhot-air ventune bouche dà ©goutmanholeune bouche de mà ©trosubway entranceune bouche dincendiefire hydrantune bouche dune rivià ¨re, une bouche dun fleuvemouth of a riverune bouche inutileunproductive person; just another mouth to feedles bouches inutilesthe non-active, unproductive population; burdens on societyles dà ©penses de bouchefood billsune fine bouchegourmetles provisions de boucheprovisionsbouche bà ©eopen-mouthed, agape, astonishedBouche cousue ! (informal)Its top secret! Mums the word!dans sa bouche...in his mouth, coming from him, when he says it...Dà ¨s quil ouvre la bouche...Every time he opens his mouth... est dans toutes les bouches.Everyones talking about ...; ... is a household word.Il en a plein la bouche.He can talk of nothing else.Il na que ... la bouche.... is all he ever talks about.Jen ai leau la boucheMy m outh is watering. La và ©rità © sort de la bouche des enfants (proverb)Out of the mouths of babesMotus et bouche cousue! (informal)Mums the word! Dont tell anyone!par sa boucheby ones words, by what one saysTa bouche ! (familiar)Shut up! Shut your trap!Ta bouche bà ©bà ©Ã‚ ! (familiar)Shut up! Shut your trap!aller de bouche en boucheto be talked, rumored aboutapprendre quelque chose de la bouche de quelquunto hear something from someoneapprendre quelque chose de la bouche mà ªme de quelquunto hear something from someones own lipsavoir 3 bouches nourrirto have 3 mouths to feedavoir la bouche amà ¨reto have a bitter taste in ones mouthavoir la bouche en coeurto simperavoir la bouche en cul-de-pouleto purse ones lipsavoir la bouche fendue jusquaux oreillesto be grinning from ear to earavoir la bouche pà ¢teuseto have a thick-feeling or coated tongueavoir la bouche pleine de ...to be able to talk of nothing but ...avoir la bouche sà ¨cheto have a dry mouthavoir toujours linjure / la critique la boucheto always be ready with an insult / criticismsembrasser bouche que veux-tuto kiss eagerlysembrasser pleine boucheto kiss right on the lipssembrasser sur la boucheto kiss on the lipsà ªtre bouche bà ©eto be open-mouthed, lost in wonder, astonishedà ªtre dans la bouche de tout le mondeto be on everyones lips; to be talked about by everyonesexprimer par la bouche de quelquun dautreto use someone else as ones mouthpiecefaire du bouchebouche quelquunto give someone mouth-to-mouth resuscitationfaire la fine boucheto turn ones nose upfaire la petite boucheto turn ones nose upfermer la bouche quelquunto shut someone upgarder la bouche closeto keep ones mouth shutgarder quelque chose pour la bonne boucheto save the best for lastmettre leau la bouche de quelquunto make someones mouth watermettre un mot dans la bouche de quelquunto put a word into someones mouthne pas ouvrir la boucheto not say a wordouvrir la boucheto speakparler la bouche pleineto talk with ones mouth fullp arler par la bouche de quelquundautreto use someone else as ones mouthpiecepasser de bouche oreilleto be spread by word of mouthpasser de bouche en boucheto be talked, rumored aboutrester bouche bà ©eto remain open-mouthed, lost in wonder, astonishedtourner sept fois sa langue dans sa bouche avant de parlerto think long and hard before speakingse transmettre de bouche oreilleto be spread by word of mouthune bouchà ©emouthful
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