Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Theology I - Searching for God in the World Today
Code Number: TH111E Course Title: Theology I - Searching for God in the World Today Chapter I: GOD’S Revelation in and through Everyday Experiences 1.1 The â€Å"Everyday†or the â€Å"Ordinary Introduction Topic 1.1 The â€Å"Everyday†or â€Å"Ordinary†Objective: After this lesson, the student will be able to reflect on one’s experience of everyday life, especially on a â€Å"depth experience†â€Å"SEE†LET US â€Å"SEE†A. The â€Å"Everyday†or â€Å"Ordinary†B. â€Å"Depth Experiences†in the Everyday or Ordinary A. The â€Å"Everyday†or â€Å"Ordinary†A religious educator by the name of John Hall wrote: â€Å"If we think theology has nothing to do with†¦show more content†¦In different cultures, the words for â€Å"everyday†or â€Å"ordinary†are: †¢ Tagalog: pang-araw-araw, pangkaraniwan †¢ Cebuano: adlaw-adlaw, matag-adlaw †¢ Chinese: æâ€" ¥Ã¥ ¸ ¸, rà ¬chà ¡ng †¢ Malay: sehari-hari †¢ French: de tous les jours †¢ Japanese: æâ€" ¥Ã¥ ¸ ¸, nichijÃ… †¢ Korean: ì ¼Ã¬Æ' ì Ëœ, ilsang-ui †¢ Spanish: cotidiano †¢ Burmese: Nay Tine †¢ Lao: Touk touk meu †¢ Urdu: Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ø ¨Ã˜ ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ù ¬ Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² Ù ¬ Û Ø ± Ø ±Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ² †¢ Thai: Tuk tuk wan In a formal meaning, the â€Å"everyday†is the whole of doing, thinking and feeling in our daily lives and recurring routine I wonder how your everyday looks like. Here’s a list of my everyday [pic] This is just a list of my everyday in the first few hours of the day. I can make it longer through the day and night. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Learning to Read Malcolm X Free Essays
In the book â€Å"Learning to Read,†Malcolm X describes his â€Å"homemade Education. †He started his homemade education because his ability to read and write was hampered, which frustrated him. He educated himself with a dictionary and began painstakingly copying every entry. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning to Read Malcolm X or any similar topic only for you Order Now He began remembering the words and what they meant. Over a period of time he finished copying out the whole dictionary. Malcolm regarded the dictionary as a miniature encyclopedia. As his word base broadened, he found that he could understand what he read. Malcolm read every free moment he had and he would stay up long nights reading until 3 or 4 in the morning. As Malcolm continued to read he gained an extensive interest in History books. He was astounded at the knowledge he obtained about the history of black civilizations throughout the world. However, his reading was not limited to history because he also read about genetics, philosophy, and religion. Malcolm possessed the ability to teach himself the English language when one knows how complex it is. His relentless efforts not only bettered his intelligence but also his education on topics such as history, genetics and philosophy. In â€Å"Learning to read†, the tone of Malcolm X’s voice is proud. Malcolm started on the streets as a hustler but later taught himself how to read in which he educated himself on the history of black civilization. With all of the knowledge Malcolm gained from reading, he is proud to have proved Arnold Toynbee wrong. Toynbee stated that Africa was the only continent to produce no history. Malcolm however, states Africa did posses history; it simply was not recorded. In 1857, some of the desperate people from India finally mutinied- and expecting the African Slave trade, nowhere in history recorded anymore unnecessary bestial and ruthless human carnage than the British suppression of the non-white Indian people. †Finally, Malcolm uses his education to boast and dignify his life. He flies around the world to speak to people of his su ccess and it boosts his ego substantially when people think he has gone to school well past 8th grade. It is truly remarkable to teach oneself the English language and Malcolm X is extremely proud of his accomplishments. How to cite Learning to Read Malcolm X, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis †Free Samples for Students
Question: What Is The Clinical Assessment And Diagnosis? Answer: Introduction Mr. Giovanni DeBella aged seventy-two years old, who experiences the Chronic Heart Failure condition, got presented to the Emergency Department very early in the morning with complaints about the difficulties in breathing and a burning sensation feeling to suffocate. At the ward, Mr. Giovanni gets about three pillows to use on the bed to raise his head for easy breathing, but this did not help on his dyspnea condition. Furthermore, Mr. Giovanni narrates to the nurse on duty that in a couple of days now he found it challenging to move around his house minus the feeling of getting puffed(Yancy, et al., 2013). He further tells the nurse that upon showering the breathlessness increases, got problems with putting on his shoes due to the swelling of his feet and he smokes. The essay paper shall focus on the assessment of the patients important clinical manifestations and the two prioritized problems which are the impaired gas exchange and the excessive fluid volume. Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis. On assessing Mr. Giovanni, the following were the vital signs and symptoms that got noted. His body temperature was at normal range 36.9 degree Celsius, the heart beat rate of 115 per minute, the electrocardiogram was normal, the blood pressure was 118/60. Moreover, the respiratory rate was at 26 per minute, and the room air had ninety-one percent oxygen saturation. During the process of auscultation, it got noted that the patient had a widespread for the course crackles and a wheezing sound(Ponikowski, et al., 2013). The chest x-ray results show that Mr. Giovanni has got an enlarged ratio for the cardiothoracic, in his lower lobes there are white patches with the lines of Kerly B. The patient get diagnosed to have an acute manifestation of the heart failure. Impaired Gas Exchange The problem of the impaired gas exchange relates to Mr. Giovannis signs and the assessment data recorded by the nurse on duty. On admission, Mr. Giovanni narrates to the nurse that he usually experiences shortness of breath and his condition for dyspnea is unrelieved even if he uses more than two pillows to sit up while on the bed(Mentz, et al., 2014). Further, during the auscultation process, wheezing sounds are heard, and the widespread crackles got noted by the nurse. The assessment data also shows that the patient gave that he ages above 65 years old, he most likely experienced falls. Mr. Giovanni though confirms that he does find it difficult to locomote around his house freely(Yancy, et al., 2013). The assessment data believed to correctly and accurately recorded as per the professional nursing standards of practice, they clearly show that the patient does require support and prevention from falls. Based on the pathophysiology, the problem of impaired gas exchange does relate closely to the breathing difficulties and the struggle for head raised through the help of pillows to get access to fresh air. The room itself gets saturated by about 91 percent of oxygen to assist the patient in easy access to fresh air. In such circumstances of a patient experiencing the difficulties of breathing, physiologically the lungs processes of inhalation and exhalation are not in the balance(Russell, et al., 2015). It gets realized that Mr. Giovanni would easily struggle to breathe in but would fail to breathe out much quickly. Such a situation confirms the problem of the impaired gas exchange in the patient. Pathophysiologically, the nurse, should realize that Mr. Giovanni experiences difficulty in walking around his house due to the fatigue arising from the accumulation of lactic acid in his muscles(Asgar, Mack, Stone, 2015). The lactic acid also leads to the muscle cramping. The accumulation of the acid results from the process of partial anaerobic respiration which takes place in the patient due to the low amount of oxygen that get inhaled to support aerobic respiration solely. Anaerobic respiration occurs to provide the little energy and vigor for Mr. Giovanni. Due to the problem of impaired gas exchange, Mr. Giovanni would unequally breathe in and breath out, hence, the unbalanced ratio between oxygen and the carbon dioxide gases. Nursing Interventions for Impaired Gas Exchange So as to assist Mr. Giovanni, the following nursing interventions are necessary and relevant in relieving his dyspnea condition. The patients respiratory system should get closely examined and evaluated. The efficiency for the perfusion should get established(Verbrugge, et al., 2013). This gets to be necessary for the process of determining whether Mr. Giovannis respiratory ventilation system functions properly or not. As a nurse, one should examine a patients respiratory rate so as to find out what would cause shortness of breath. In the case scenario, the nurse on duty measured Mr. Giovannis respiratory rate as a way of documenting and using the assessment data in making informed decisions regarding the nursing care of the patient(Tanai Frantz, 2015). Moreover, another nursing to put in place involves the maintenance of the patients bed at an elevated angle of 90 degrees. This nursing intervention ensures that the patients head gets raised at a higher level in order to access fresh air easily to fight difficulties in breathing. When Mr. Giovanni gets admitted, the nurse provides three pillows for the patient to use. The shortness of breath has a closer relationship with the cardiovascular complications. Usually, the dyspnea condition clinically manifests the heart failure(Kupper, Bonhof, Westerhuis, Widdershoven, Denollet, 2016). Focusing on Mr. Giovanni, the identification of the dyspnea symptoms such as the respiratory complications gets associated with the pulmonary venocapillary congestion which regularly presents difficulties in breathing at night when he lies horizontally on the bed. Such happens to Mr. Giovanni because of the fluid displacement into the far interior section of the patients lungs. Such a condition prompts M r. Giovanni to sleep almost in a sitting position with the help of the three pillows provided to prevent the heart failure as a result of the pulmonary venocapillary congestion(Park, et al., 2015). Usually, the dyspnea condition increases when the patient lies horizontally on a level platform but do decrease when he sits. The sitting position to control dyspnea symptom is known as orthopnea. Mr. Giovannis physical activities such as doing exercises and walking around the house may receive nursing intervention through implementing the method of elevating his bed to reduce the functional dyspnea. Also, the dyspnea condition leads to the problem of respiratory ventilation-perfusion and the impaired gas exchange with the respiratory acidosis which impacts on the patients quality of life and physical activities such as walking and the sleeping manner(Kasai, Bradley, Friedman, Logan, 2014). The implementation of the two priority interventions mentioned herein would help to reduce both the dyspnea condition and the dysfunctional dyspnea for Mr. Giovanni. Excess Fluid Volume The problem is commonly known as the hypervolemia condition, refer to the increase in the isotonic fluid retaining which result in the ECF expansion due to the sodium content and water increase proportionately in the total body. The problem does arise from the compromising of the regulatory actions on the sodium and water which occurs in the patients with heart failure or the kidney failure and the liver failure conditions(Kitzman, et al., 2014). It got also, believed that the problem of The Excess Fluid Volume would result from the excessive consumption of the sodium containing foods, medical drugs, IV solutions or from the diagnostic dyes. Similarly, the following medical conditions might lead to the Fluid Volume Excess; the hemodialysis, the peritoneal dialysis, and the myocardial infarction(Sousa, et al., 2015). For the condition to get treated or rather controlled, the sodium content and fluid intake should get regulated. The restriction of the sodium and water consumption would offer effective treatment for the hypervolemia and ensure that the extracellular compartment gets back to normal. In the case scenario involving Mr. Giovanni, the nursing diagnosis shows that the patient has the condition of acute failure(Ambrosy, et al., 2014). Studies do substantiate that the excess fluid volume usually gets diagnosed in the patients with heart failure. The problem relates closely to Mr. Giovannis signs and the assessment data accurately recorded by the nurse who attended to the patient. The problem has got characteristics for the pulmonary crackles which are evident in Mr. Giovanni. Moreover, the problem displays the clinical manifestations for the elevated capillary pressure of the pulmonary, the dyspnea symptom and the dysfunctional dyspnea(Haykowsky, Brubaker, Morgan, Kritchevsky, Kitzman, 2013). Most of these symptoms are similar to those Mr. Giovanni tells the nurse and those that have got documented in the patient's data book. The clinical research that got conducted by different clinical experts does validate that the cardinal symptoms of the dyspnea, the orthopnea, and the pulmonary congestion, shows that characteristics for such conditions are the primary clinical indicators for the problem of the Excessive Fluid Volume. The overhead signs and clinical manifestations for Mr. Giovanni clearly depict the problem(Park H. , 2014). The clinical manifestation for dyspnea in Mr. Giovanni forms the most significant condition to validate the Excessive Fluid Volume due to its high-reliability index which got obtained during the clinical research study. Most patients show to have the dyspnea condition, approximately 94%. Nursing Interventions for Excess Fluid Volume The following nursing interventions are critical to the treatment of the hypervolemia condition in Mr. Giovanni. The nurse on duty should direct and monitor the fluid intake for Mr. Giovanni. The nurse should ensure that the patient under her/his care takes controlled amounts of water such that regimen compliance gets enhanced. Further, the fluid control should get done through the prescription of the taking of the diuretics which would assist in the process of excretion of the excessive body fluids. Another effective nursing which should get prioritized for Mr. Giovanni should involve the limiting of the sodium amount intake(Jeronymo Cruz, 2015). The amount consumed by the patient should get restricted by the nurse or the family caregivers. The sodium content needs to get regulated such that little fluid retention happens. The nurse should take charge in educating the patient and the family members or relatives on the essence of liquid restrictions and how it should get done. The n urse on duty should further disperse information and vital knowledge concerning the Excessive Fluid Volume condition to the patients and the family caregivers. For Mr. Giovannis case scenario, the critical with a very close correlation with the hypervolemia condition includes the HR which got recorded by the nurse as 115/minute, and a BP of 118/60 was also noted down in the patients record book. During the nursing interventions, the nurse on duty should monitor the BP and the HR closely since they provide evidence-based leads to the early developmental stages of the condition. For instance, if the BP increases, it would be an evident sign of the Excessive Fluid Volume condition(Butcher, Bulechek, Dochterman, Wagner, 2013). According to the measurements obtained from the assessment data, the BP seems high or rather elevated giving a clue that Mr. Giovanni has the condition and necessary restrictions on the sodium content and the fluid intake should get implemented. The nurse may choose to direct that drinks a specified number of glasses of water he should drink within a stipulated period or administer diuretics prescriptions. In most cases, the high blood pressure hinders the fluid flow from the body, hence, increased fluid retention which results to the increased fluid volume accumulation in the body. Conclusion Mr. Giovanni, aged 72 years would be suffering from heart failure condition. Based on the diagnosis, the assessment data recorded by the nurse and the signs noted are evident that the patient had two major problems. The problems include the impaired gas exchange and the Excessive Fluid Volume. The impaired gas exchange hinders the patient from breathing normally. Mr. Giovanni on admission to the emergency department, he informs the nurse attending to him that he experiences shortness of breath, dyspnea dysfunction on his physical activities such as walking around his house. He further mentions that he does smoke but the condition of breathing with difficulty has hindered his regular exercising activity. Furthermore, Mr. Giovanni gets three pillows to enable to sleep on the hospital bed while on the sitting position to prevent dyspnea. Finally, Mr. Giovanni experiences the condition of excessive fluid accumulation in the body as a result of increased consumption of sodium content and excessive fluid intake. The hypervolemia condition may get treated through the diuretic prescriptions and controlled sodium consumption in the meals or the medications containing it. References Ambrosy, A. P., Fonarow, G. C., Butler, J., Chioncel, O., Greene, S. J., Vaduganathan, M., ... Gheorghiade, M. (2014). The global health and economic burden of hospitalizations for heart failure: lessons learned from hospitalized heart failure registries.Journal of the American College of Cardiology,63(12), 1123-1133. Asgar, A. W., Mack, M. J., Stone, G. W. (2015). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Association between Dust Incidents and Respiratory Diseases in Abu Dhabi
Introduction The climate’s peculiarities of the Middle East make the population of the countries in the region suffer from a lot of dust incidents every year which occur frequently in relation to the definite season. Summer is the period with the most intensive dust storms in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran, Syria, and Iraq.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Association between Dust Incidents and Respiratory Diseases in Abu Dhabi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The population of the countries with the similar weather conditions such as Lebanon and Israel observe the most drastic dust storms in spring. Dust storms are typical for the climate of Egypt not only for springs but also for winters. The problem is in the fact that such dust incidents as dust storms have a lot of negative effects not only on the environment and economy of the countries but also on their population’s health. Researchers state that it is possible to examine the direct dependence of the development of respiratory diseases among the population of the Middle Eastern countries on the dust storms’ frequency (Akbari, 2011; Kutiel Furman, 2003). Moreover, the possibility of frequent dust storms as the characteristic feature of the region’s climate negatively affects the development of such chronic diseases caused by the sandstorm dust as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The purpose of this research is to examine and describe the possible correlation between such dust incidents as dust storms and the prevalence of respiratory diseases in the Middle Eastern region with references to the situation in Abu Dhabi. The climate conditions of Abu Dhabi are characterized by frequent dust and sand storms which negatively affect the population’s state of health and cause different respiratory diseases which are often discussed as chronic ones (asthma and COPD). The Nature and Impacts of Dust/Sand Storms in the Region of the Middle East The causes of dust/sand storms in the UAE are the same ones as in any country of the Middle Eastern region. The sand storms are caused by the forces of wind and the prolonged droughts contribute to the development of the process. Thus, the wind affects the vibration of sand particles which later begin to saltate. Akbari states that then the particles of sand â€Å"repeatedly strike the ground, they loosen smaller particles of dust which then begin to travel in suspension†(Akbari, 2011, p. 228). The Persian Gulf region â€Å"suffers from considerably more dust storms than the other regions. The averaged maximum occurs in the summer during which for more than 30% of the time there is a level of airborne dust that reduces visibility to below 11 km†(Akbari, 2011, p. 229). Moreover, dust incidents can also occur in spring and winter when the percentage of their frequency is rather low. Dust storm s are characterized by a lot of negative impacts which can be discussed as rather severe for the countries’ environment, economy, and social life of the population in relation to the increase of health problems, especially a development of the respiratory diseases.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kutiel and Furman, with references to the investigations of the other researchers, determine such negative effects of dust and sand storms in the region as the reduced soil fertility and possible damage to crops which are harmful for agriculture. It is also possible to observe the extreme reduction of solar radiation, and the consequences of this process are the efficiency of solar devices. Sand storms can destroy telecommunications and other mechanical systems. They result in the dirt, air pollution, and the increase of respiratory diseases (Akbari, 2011; Kutiel Furman, 2003). Why are sand storms so risky for the environment and population of the UAE? Akbari pays attention to the fact that â€Å"a sandstorm can move whole sand dunes. Dust storms can carry large amounts of dust, so much so that the leading edge of one can appear as a solid wall of dust as much as 1.6 km (1 mile) high†(Akbari, 2011, p. 228). The effects of this phenomenon can be dangerous for the territory where the process is the most intensive. To prevent the negative effects of dust and sand storms which are observed in the region during the whole year, it is necessary to concentrate on examining the peculiarities of these dust incidents, accentuating the factors which contribute to their development. Moreover, it is also important to work out the system of effective decreasing the consequences of the drastic sand storms. The economists pay much attention to overcoming the impacts of sand storms on the agriculture, the ecologists concentrate on protecting the envir onment from these severe processes, and doctors develop the ways to reduce the negative effects of dust and sand storms for people who suffer from asthma and COPD. The problem of dust storms is also typical for the territories which have different climatic conditions in comparison with those ones in the UAE. In their research, Shao and Dong focus on the methods to cope with dust storms effectively at the territories of China, Korea, and Japan (Shao Dong, 2006). The researchers’ conclusions about the effectiveness of monitoring dust storms and modeling systems to predict the consequences and overcome the impacts can be effective for analyzing the aspects of the problem in the UAE because the negative effects of dust storms on the quality of the people’s life, their health, and social activities can be considered as comparable for these countries.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Association between Dust Incidents and Respiratory Disea ses in Abu Dhabi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Problem of Respiratory Diseases in the World and in Abu Dhabi The increase of the amount of people who suffer from the respiratory diseases which have the chronic form can be observed every year. Moreover, chronic respiratory diseases become the cause for increasing the level of mortality in the definite countries. According to the data presented at the meeting of Global Alliance Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD), asthma and COPD caused the death of 250 000 persons in 2005, and this number increases every year with taking the third position of causing the people’s death globally (WHO, 2008, p.1). According to the results of Hajat, Harrison, and Shather’s research, respiratory diseases take the sixth position as the cause of deaths in Abu Dhabi. That is why, respiratory diseases are discussed as the influential factors for causing the persons’ deaths w ith references to non-communicable diseases (Hajat, Harrison, Shather, 2012). (Hajat, Harrison, Shather, 2012). The situation in the UAE can be compared with the situation in the countries with the similar climatic conditions. It is stated in researches that respiratory diseases is the main causes for the population’s deaths in Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon (WHO, 2006). According to Nuwayhid, Youssef, and Habib, â€Å"rainfall decrease and increase in temperature will increase air pollution and consequently cause an increase in respiratory illnesses among urban populations, particularly in Egypt, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates†(Nuwayhid, Youssef, Habib, 2009, p. 90). The development of these diseases is correlated with the frequency of dust incidents.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is possible to determine such causes for developing the chronic respiratory diseases as the intensification of the air pollution caused by increasing the level of dangerous substances in the air. Breathing the extremely polluted air as a result of the industries’ development, a lot of people over the world suffer from the reduced lung function, different symptoms of asthma and COPD, and from chronic bronchitis. However, the situation in the UAE is more complicated because of the fact the majority of symptoms of the respiratory diseases depend on the high level of presence of the sand and dust particles in the air. Thus, the professors who presented their reports at the GARD meeting stated that the percentage of the morbidity and mortality caused by asthma and COPD is comparatively high in the Middle East, and the risky situation continues to develop (WHO, 2008). In spite of the fact the main cause for the development of the chronic respiratory diseases is determined by the researchers as the climatic peculiarities and the frequent occurrence of dust and sand storms, the aspects of ‘civilization’ also significantly influence the prevalence of the respiratory diseases in the region. According to Hajat, Harrison, and Shather, the increase of chronic diseases in Abu Dhabi, including respiratory diseases, is connected with the growth of the region’s status and its intensive development (Hajat, Harrison, Shather, 2012). The definite aspects of the western way of life such as the growth of industries and transport can cause the people’s suffering from non-communicable diseases. The rapid growth of industries â€Å"is causing air quality to become poor in the large cities due to motor vehicles and industrial emissions. The health impact can be seen by the fact that the incidence of respiratory diseases has increased in the past 10 years†(WHO, 2006, p. 44). The next important factor is smoking. Thus, the quality of the air decreases, and the peculiarities of the climate in Abu Dhabi contribute to complicating the situation. Nevertheless, the researchers are inclined to associate the problem of respiratory diseases in the UAE, and Abu Dhabi in particular, with the peculiarities of the region’s hot and dry climate. Thus, occasional violent sand and dust storms can cause a lot of damage, reduce visibility, and contribute to worsening the health of those persons who suffer from different respiratory diseases. In their investigation, Zaabi and the group of researchers concentrated on the connection between the development of COPD in Abu Dhabi and smoking. The researchers concluded that there are no direct connections between the health problems and smoking because of the fact there are a lot of the other factors which stimulate the worsening of the population’s health state in Abu Dhabi and the increase of the amount of people with chronic respiratory diseases such as COPD (Zaabi et al., 2010 ). Thus, the question of more risky factors for developing respiratory diseases remains open because the situation in Abu Dhabi can be discussed as caused by the combination of the negative impacts of breathing the chemically polluted air, smoking, breathing the air with the particles of sand and dust storms. Salvi and Barnes also focus on examining the possible correlations between the fact of active or passive smoking and the development of COPD, and they conclude that chronic asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease depend not only on the fact of smoking or the effects of biomass fuel but also on the combination of the definite socio-economic factors, and the peculiarities of the certain nations’ development (Salvi Barnes, 2009). The results of the research are significant for analyzing the role of such factors as, for instance, smoking and breathing the air polluted with the sand and dust particles for the development of the respiratory diseases. It is possible t o conclude that the prevalence of respiratory diseases in the UAE and Abu Dhabi is based on such significant factors as the progress of the life according to the definite western patterns, the industries’ growth, the development of the unhealthy habit to smoke, the pollution of the air with the sand and dust particles which is caused by the occasional sand storms. Chronic respiratory diseases are the causes for a lot of deaths in the region, and the frequency of sand and dust storms can be discussed as the negative factor for changing the statistical data in relation to the issue. The Connection between Dust/Sand Storms and Respiratory Diseases in Abu Dhabi Today, a lot of people who live in Abu Dhabi suffer from coughing and wheezing, such chronic respiratory diseases as asthma and COPD. Mahboub, Santhakumar, Soriano, and Pawankar conducted the complex research to examine the peculiarities of asthma in the UAE, concentrating on the factors which stimulate its development and on the ways of the effective treatment (Mahboub, Santhakumar, Soriano, Pawankar, 2010). The problem is in the fact chronic respiratory diseases are often caused by the combination of negative factors among which it is necessary to focus on smoking and the climatic peculiarities of the region. Thus, dust and sand storms are discussed as the most influential aspects for developing the people’s shortness of breath and worsening their chronic respiratory diseases. Kwaasi (as cited in Nuwayhid, Youssef, Habib, 2009, p. 92) pays attention to the fact that sandstorm dust is a â€Å"prolific source of potential triggers of allergic and nonallergic respiratory ailments†. Such dust incidents as sand storms in the UAE are the environmental risk factors which cause the prevalence of asthma, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and COPD in the region. The periods which can be considered as the seasons of dust/sand storms in Abu Dhabi are characterized by the pat ients’ frequent complaints about their chronic respiratory diseases or allergic rhinitis. That is why, it is important for people to stay indoors when the violent sand storms occur in order to avoid the deterioration of the physical state of those persons who suffer from asthma or COPD. Nowadays, many researchers agree that it is possible to observe the direct correlation between the development of asthma, COPD, and the other respiratory diseases and the frequency of dust and sand storms in the UAE because the particles of sand influence the respiratory system, causing its allergic reactions or worsening the chronic diseases (Nuwayhid, Youssef, Habib, 2009). From this point, the climatic and weather peculiarities of the region such as the vast desert area and the changes in temperature provoke dust incidents which cause a lot of respiratory diseases, and this logic chain ends with the high percentage of mortality affected by the development of respiratory diseases in the UAE (Hajat, Harrison, Shather, 2012). In spite of the fact dust/sand storms are dangerous for the people’s health in Abu Dhabi because of the peculiarities of this weather phenomenon, the situation can be complicated with the persons’ habit to smoke. Breathing the air polluted with the sand particles and gases, people increase the risks of worsening their physical state and developing chronic respiratory diseases. The researchers pay attention to the fact that dust and sand storms can provoke the development of the respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and allergic rhinitis and can prolong the patients’ suffering from COPD and bronchial asthma (Zaabi et al., 2011). It is important to note that the seasons of dust and sand storms in the UAE are the periods of the hot and windy weather when the percentage of the patients’ complaints about their health and respiratory diseases is extremely high, and it can be very low during the other seasons of a year. Thus, dust and sand storms are directly associated with increasing the level of respiratory diseases in the UAE, and in Abu Dhabi in particular. It is rather difficult to find the ways of prevention from developing allergies and worsening asthma during the seasons of dust and sand storms because of the necessity to go outdoors and continue the everyday activity. That is why, doctors draw the patients’ attention to the importance of following some rules among which the avoidance of smoking and covering their nose and mouth while being outdoors. Some easy forms of the respiratory diseases caused by the dust and sand storms which are typical for the region of the UAE can develop into asthma, lung diseases, and even trachea and bronchus cancers. From this point, the problem of respiratory diseases and its association with the frequency of dust incidents in Abu Dhabi is important for examining by the researchers because respiratory diseases are the cause for the premature deaths of the population in the region. Conclusions The high level of mortality from respiratory diseases in the UAE, and in Abu Dhabi in particular, is based on the peculiarities of the climate in the region when the hot and dry windy weather influences the dust incidents which cause the persons’ problems with the respiratory system. Dust/sand storms affect the situation when millions of sand particles are distributed with the help of the wind and provoke the development of the allergic reactions. Dust and sand storms are frequent in summer and spring, and these seasons are characterized by the extremely high percentage of the patients’ complaints about asthma, COPD, and allergies. To avoid the negative effects of dust incidents, it is necessary for people to stay predominantly indoors and protect their nose and mouth when they are outdoors. It is possible to conclude that the prevalence of asthma, COPD, and other respiratory diseases in Abu Dhabi is directly associated with dust storms in the region because these dust incidents provoke the negative stimulation of the people’s respiratory system, contributing to the development of a lot of symptoms such as coughing and problems with breathing. Living in the UAE, people have to adapt to the climatic peculiarities in order to avoid the health problems, and respiratory diseases caused by these peculiarities can be discussed as characteristic for the population’s health in Abu Dhabi. References Akbari, S. (2011). Dust storms, sources in the Middle East and economic model for survey it s impacts. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12), 227-233. Hajat, C., Harrison, O., Shather, Z. (2012). A profile and approach to chronic disease in Abu Dhabi. Globalization and Health, 8(18), 1-24. Kutiel, H. Furman, H. (2003). Dust Storms in the Middle East: Sources of origin and their temporal characteristics. Indoor Built Environ,12, 419–426. Mahboub, B. H. S. H., Santhakumar, S., Sorian o, J. B., Pawankar, R. (2010). Asthma insights and reality in the United Arab Emirates. Annals of Thoracic Medicine, 5(4), 217–221. Web. Nuwayhid, I., Youssef, R., Habib, R. R. (2009). Human health. In M. K. Tolba N. Saab (Eds.) Arab environment. Climate change: Impact of climate change on Arab countries (pp. 88-98). Beirut, Lebanon: AFED. Salvi, S. S. Barnes, P. J. (2009). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in non-smokers. Lancet, 374, 733-743. Shao, Y. Dong, C. H. (2006). A review on East Asian dust storm climate, modelling and monitoring. Global and Planetary Change, 52, 1–22. World Health Organization (2006). Health system profile: The UAE. Web. World Health Organization (2008). Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD). Web. Zaabi, A. A., Asad, F., Abdou, J., Musaabi, H. A., Saiari, M. B., Buhussien, A. S. M., Nagelkerke, N., Soriano, J. B. (2011). Prevalence of COPD in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Respiratory Medicine, xx, 1-5. This research paper on The Association between Dust Incidents and Respiratory Diseases in Abu Dhabi was written and submitted by user Malice to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
French Expressions Using Bouche
French Expressions Using Bouche The French word une bouche literally means any kind of mouth - of a person, an oven, a volcano... - and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to say food bills, gourmet, astonished, and more with this list of expressions with bouche. Expressions with Bouche le bouchebouchekiss of life, mouth-to-mouth resuscitationune bouche feugun ​une bouche daà ©rationair vent, inletune bouche de chaleurhot-air ventune bouche dà ©goutmanholeune bouche de mà ©trosubway entranceune bouche dincendiefire hydrantune bouche dune rivià ¨re, une bouche dun fleuvemouth of a riverune bouche inutileunproductive person; just another mouth to feedles bouches inutilesthe non-active, unproductive population; burdens on societyles dà ©penses de bouchefood billsune fine bouchegourmetles provisions de boucheprovisionsbouche bà ©eopen-mouthed, agape, astonishedBouche cousue ! (informal)Its top secret! Mums the word!dans sa bouche...in his mouth, coming from him, when he says it...Dà ¨s quil ouvre la bouche...Every time he opens his mouth... est dans toutes les bouches.Everyones talking about ...; ... is a household word.Il en a plein la bouche.He can talk of nothing else.Il na que ... la bouche.... is all he ever talks about.Jen ai leau la boucheMy m outh is watering. La và ©rità © sort de la bouche des enfants (proverb)Out of the mouths of babesMotus et bouche cousue! (informal)Mums the word! Dont tell anyone!par sa boucheby ones words, by what one saysTa bouche ! (familiar)Shut up! Shut your trap!Ta bouche bà ©bà ©Ã‚ ! (familiar)Shut up! Shut your trap!aller de bouche en boucheto be talked, rumored aboutapprendre quelque chose de la bouche de quelquunto hear something from someoneapprendre quelque chose de la bouche mà ªme de quelquunto hear something from someones own lipsavoir 3 bouches nourrirto have 3 mouths to feedavoir la bouche amà ¨reto have a bitter taste in ones mouthavoir la bouche en coeurto simperavoir la bouche en cul-de-pouleto purse ones lipsavoir la bouche fendue jusquaux oreillesto be grinning from ear to earavoir la bouche pà ¢teuseto have a thick-feeling or coated tongueavoir la bouche pleine de ...to be able to talk of nothing but ...avoir la bouche sà ¨cheto have a dry mouthavoir toujours linjure / la critique la boucheto always be ready with an insult / criticismsembrasser bouche que veux-tuto kiss eagerlysembrasser pleine boucheto kiss right on the lipssembrasser sur la boucheto kiss on the lipsà ªtre bouche bà ©eto be open-mouthed, lost in wonder, astonishedà ªtre dans la bouche de tout le mondeto be on everyones lips; to be talked about by everyonesexprimer par la bouche de quelquun dautreto use someone else as ones mouthpiecefaire du bouchebouche quelquunto give someone mouth-to-mouth resuscitationfaire la fine boucheto turn ones nose upfaire la petite boucheto turn ones nose upfermer la bouche quelquunto shut someone upgarder la bouche closeto keep ones mouth shutgarder quelque chose pour la bonne boucheto save the best for lastmettre leau la bouche de quelquunto make someones mouth watermettre un mot dans la bouche de quelquunto put a word into someones mouthne pas ouvrir la boucheto not say a wordouvrir la boucheto speakparler la bouche pleineto talk with ones mouth fullp arler par la bouche de quelquundautreto use someone else as ones mouthpiecepasser de bouche oreilleto be spread by word of mouthpasser de bouche en boucheto be talked, rumored aboutrester bouche bà ©eto remain open-mouthed, lost in wonder, astonishedtourner sept fois sa langue dans sa bouche avant de parlerto think long and hard before speakingse transmettre de bouche oreilleto be spread by word of mouthune bouchà ©emouthful
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Ask for a Graduate School Letter of Recommendation
How to Ask for a Graduate School Letter of Recommendation Recommendation letters are a critical component of your graduate school application, yet are entirely dependent on other people―your professors. How you request a letter influences professors responses and ultimately the quality of your recommendation. How to Request a Recommendation Letter Dont request a recommendation letter by email.Dont spring it on the faculty member. Dont ask before or after class, in the hall, or at any other seemingly random time.Arrange an appointment, explaining that you wish to discuss your plans to apply to graduate school. This gives the professor a heads up and a chance to think about whether he or she can write a helpful letter on your behalf.Don’t ask, â€Å"could you write a letter?†Instead ask, â€Å"Do you feel that you are able to write a helpful letter supporting my application to graduate school? Ask whether the faculty member feels that he or she can write a helpful letter. You don’t need any old letter―you need a good letter.Prepare. Be prepared to discuss the type of degree you seek, programs to which you are applying, how you arrived at your choices, goals for graduate study, future aspirations, and why you believe the faculty member is a good candidate to write a letter of your behalf.Remember to tell the professor the application due date. This may influence his or her decision. What Your Professor Needs to Write Your Letter Time. Give the faculty member enough time to write a good letter. Writing a letter of recommendation isnt easy. Ask at least a month before the due date. Earlier is better given that faculty need to adjust their schedule.Don’t make faculty rush as it will result in an average or even mediocre letter. When every recommendation letter an admissions committee receives is stellar, an average letter will hurt your application.Understand that even if you give a professor a month to write your recommendation letter he or she might not submit it until just before the deadline. Its a sad reality: Profs procrastinate too.Give the professor what he or she needs to write an informed letter, including recommendation forms, transcript, essays, and other essential information. Dont forget to include relevant links and emails for online applications.If your prof requests hard copies, print out information for each program so that faculty member has the information they need to tailor th eir letter of recommendation to the program (very effective, if they choose that route). Be neat. Place all of your documentation in a folder and neatly label each item. Clip each recommendation form to supporting documentation, relevant admissions essays, and a stamped envelope. Use a sticky note to mark the deadline on each. Neatness counts because it makes professors’ jobs easier and sends the message that you are organized.If your prof requests electronic documents, place all files into one folder and organize them by using descriptive titles. Again, be neat. Seek Advice and Pay Attention Ask for input on your choices and overall advice. If the faculty member offers to review your admissions essay, take him or her up on it―and use their advice to improve your essay.Pay attention to signals that a faculty member does not want to write a letter on your behalf. Anything other than a glowing letter can harm your application. You dont want a lukewarm letter―it’s the kiss of death.Take no for an answer. If a faculty declines to write you a recommendation letter, dont push. He or she is actually doing you a favor.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Returns to an Asset Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Returns to an Asset - Essay Example Having knowledge of the statistical properties also makes it easier to evaluate the efficiency of the financial assets. The financial assets are then modelled for better knowledge of the returns. Background to the Data Sample There are many concepts that are adopted in the finance to make the concept of finance management more clear. Some of the concepts are considered to the appropriate for other branches and some are altered to suite the financial setup. Interest is considered as one of the fundamental concepts incorporated in finance and related organizations. Interest is termed as the fixed profit over an investment in a particular time frame. Mostly, it is calculated in terms of percentage, like if a person invests ?100 and the rate of interest is 5% in a year, the organization that deposited the amount will have to pay ?105 in a year (Wang, Lecture 1, n.d.,). Sometimes the rate of interest is divided into monthly basis like if the interest rate of 5% is divided into monthly ins talments, the person that deposited the sum will be given 0.4% per month. Interest has two types; compound interest and simple interest. The simple interest is only applied to the original amount. Like if a person deposited ?100 in bank at the rate of 5% simple interest annually, he will be given interest on ?100 every year. The compound interest in applied on the original amount plus the interest amount. ... The probability of 1 is about 1/6, as the die has six sides. The probability of each side is 1/6. On the other hand, the coin has two sides and if it is tossed ones, the probability of each side is ?. Thus, it can be said that the probability of a certain event remains between 0 and 1. The probability depicts the risk factor (Wang, Lecture 2, n.d.,). Discrete returns are liked most due to the fact that the calculation based on the discrete returns is simpler and the rate of profit represents the real profit. There is less formulation required to evaluate the discrete returns. For example, Mr. X buy a stock share for ?10, the very next day, he wanted to sell the share and sold it in ?11. Thus the profit, he attained while selling the stock share is about ?1, which is about 10% of the ?10 or original investment. On the other hand, the logarithmic value of the whole scenario give the percentage profit of about 9.53%, which is less than the original profit. Thus, the discrete returns hav e remained to be correct in the given scenario but the log returns proved to be incorrect. Log returns are regarded as to be most likely to generate statistical information and thus, the financial modellers like the concept of the log returns. It shows the statistical information for some period of time and thus the financial efficiency of the financial asset can be modelled. It creates an approximation of the true value of the financial asset. The log normal distribution creates a financial value over a period of time regarding the total financial asset. Log normal distributions do not generate a negative value. The two images above show the difference between the Normal Density and Log normal density. Value at Risk (VAR) Value at risk is a Statistical
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Attributes of A Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Attributes of A Leader - Essay Example Malcolm X was a renowned black civil rights leader. He dedicated a majority of his life to creating racial pride in his black listeners. Many things led to his strong feelings against white domination, including his family life and his experiences as a young adult, this created his dreams and goals and followed up with his many accomplishes as a civil rights leader. Malcolm X was born in Omaha Nebraska. Growing up his family was constantly harassed by whites who didn't like his father, Earl little because he was an organiser for the "Back-to-Africa" movement. His father was murdered when Malcolm was just six years old. Shortly after his father died his mother had a nervous breakdown and the rest of his family was split up by welfare agencies. Malcolm continued to go to school with dreams of someday becoming a lawyer or a doctor until his eighth-grade teacher told him he should learn carpentry and just forget his dreams because he was black. He dropped out of school that year and he supported himself for a few years as a hustler. Malcolm cheated his way through his young adult life until he was put into jail for burglary While in prison Malcolm adopted the Islamic religion. He believed that blacks all over the world should join forces and fight against racism. In his mind, white people had broken up his family and ruined his life all because of racial tension. Above all, he stressed strong ethical conduct among blacks, in other words, a strong racial unity. Malcolm believed that one day blacks would be repaid for all the loss and suffering caused by whites. Malcolm made it his goal to convince fellow blacks to speak out against racism; he dedicated the rest of his life to this task (Robin 1999 p 12). He never lagged with a gap between his thoughts and his actions. Whatever he desired he went and attempted, and continued until all options were exhausted. Only his goal was not to improve his standing in life, but to improve his peoples', he must be respected as they are because of his commitment to his goal The population recognized his creativity and freshness behind these ideas. They realized that like other ideal Americans in history, Malcolm had new theories, but more importantly that he new how to use them. His thoughts were unlike past notable Americans, but they were just as creative and original as those men and women who were considered ingenious role models. Malcolm's ability to implement these new ideas on the population affects the world around him. He sets out to change the world with fresh, new ideas, and succeeds in gaining
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Challenges that working women face today Essay Example for Free
Challenges that working women face today Essay Introduction In today’s culture where individualism is emphasized and especially that women are encouraged to assume equal roles as men would normally take, two or three decades ago, it is very difficult to see eye to eye with how women are during biblical times. â€Å"Girl power†or women empowerment is the rule of the day for women nowadays. Although, of course, all women as all men have the right to lead in the sense that they have the same intrinsic capacity to influence, the role of leadership has been blown out of proportion by feminist groups as they apply it to women. The result of this over blown leadership role of women has been the constant battle between members of opposite sexes in many significant areas within society. It has affected the homes, government and non-government institutions, down to the smallest entity that has within its membership men and women. The Challenges Today, despite the liberty afforded to women since their right to suffrage had been granted, myriads of problems assails them as they exercise many of their freedoms. These include sexual harassment and abuse, balancing family life and, still being debated to a degree is the issue on an equitable salary or pay. Generally, the women today have double jobs not to mention the close attention they pay towards their children’s schooling. This is usually true in urbanized and highly educated centers in the mainland USA. Despite these changes of traditional roles of women in the cities, there are yet rural areas where women assume roles that are still traditional. Women in these areas are still known to be subservient to their men; oftentimes abuses are the rule not the exception. Abuses come in the form of incest, rape, lure of prostitution, cybernet prostitution, abortion, domestic violence, sex tourism, and mail order brides among others. However, without exception, more less educated women are abused than their more educated counterparts who also have more access to social services. In other words, the abuses mentioned characterized women, though the incidence and degree are comparatively higher in the less educated and misplaced/marginalized areas (Malveuax et al., 2002). ~ Salary Equity Despite the provision by law that there should be equal remuneration standards for men and women, many firms and workplaces continue to abuse women of this right (Equal Employment Opportunity Act). This law precisely was originally intended for women to receive equal pay and be protected against anomalous employers who make whimsical decisions regarding their women employees. It provides against employers who may lower wages from either sex or labor organizations that will attempt to influence employers against employees’ wages (Taber, 2008). The question is how prevalent is the discrimination or abuse on employee salaries? Basically, most occupations still show discrepancy with women versus men wages, although various explanations are put forth. However the factors may be explained, the fact still remains that women lose around 20 to 30 percent to that of men’s income (77cents to one dollar for men) as reported by The Washington Post (2007 July). ~Balancing Work and family (Work-Life Initiatives) Work-life initiatives are strategies implemented by firms to reduce turnover and increase productivity and overall firm performance. Studies were made to examine the influence and effects of work-life initiatives on employees and the organization in general. Workplace diversity which incorporates the concepts of work-life initiatives does indicate that it is inevitable that when a company introduces work-life initiatives, there is a resulting increase in diversity. Substantial evidence point to the effectiveness of workplace diversity hence, many institutions encourage and promote this in their particular milieu (http://www.cmdronline.com/workshops.htm). It is inevitable that juggling work and family life will be one of a person’s demanding experiences. The rationale for having a job is not only to have a livelihood, achieve personal satisfaction in the expression of his abilities and trainings, and receive his remuneration and perks on the side. Preparation for family stability to be able to provide and thus create an atmosphere of care, for bachelors/maidens, is also the foremost and logical reason for having a job. However, the thin thread that separates between the two polarities becomes blurred, and there lies the tension that pulls a person in different directions. The Center for Mediation and Dispute Resolution opens its website with the following quote: â€Å"Our life is one giant balancing act (http://www.cmdronline.com/workshops.htm).†Perhaps, no person will ever disagree with that statement. The goal then is to know how to do the balancing act, to gain competencies in achieving a rewarding, flourishing kind of life that holds work in one hand, while maintaining a well-nurtured and healthy family on the other hand. ~Sex Harassment What is perhaps most important to women’s well-being is their security against abuse of any form from employers, fellow employees and other people as they conduct their day-to-day affairs. Sex harassment is defined by the Women’s Justice Network as â€Å"Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Whether sexual harassment is from a supervisor, co-workers or customers, it is an attempt to assert power over another person. The harassment may take place in your work setting, outside of your work setting, in your home, while traveling on business or at business functions†(20002). Conclusion While at the moment, the common cry of women is equality to both genders as it is reflected in women’s roles in the family, in public places, and the obliteration of the stereotyped designation of females in past decades which until now has its bearing in the minds of the general public the consequent outcome of this campaign is prevalent in almost every area where function is concerned. In the late 1960s, women’s movement began to blossom. It was stirred by the then sentiment of repulsion to the tasks being typecasted among women. Women’s movement of the 60s aimed to question the menial duties relegated to women such as getting married, becoming a housewife and afterwards attending to household chores (including raising children), and when outside opportunity comes for them to work, they’re consigned to answering phones, photocopying, etc (Encarta, 2006). The scenery has been changed and is no longer the same as in the past 30 or 40 years. The typical woman today is one that is among the working class – no longer confined to house premises, but working and providing as much as her male counterparts. She can be the manager or an executive of an established firm where most of the male employees are under her command. Equality in roles has now been achieved. Whereas this status and depiction of women in itself is not outright negative, the undercurrent force that it has created is the programming of the minds of today’s women to be resistant to the biblical description of their role as they are teamed with men. Instead of seeing male and female partnership as complimentary to both sexes, the danger of too much emphasis on equality especially when it is defined merely in domestic and public functions is the threat that masculinity poses to womanhood. It is good for women to fight for their basic equal rights with men as members of this global community, but if it results in certain imbalances because the aim has become the dethronement of the opposite gender, then the battle for equality has now turned into fight for superiority of the female sex. Reference: 1. Encarta Dictionary 2006. (DVD). 2. Malveaux, Julianne, Deborah Perry, Deborah L. Perry. 2002. Unfinished Business: A Democrat and a Republican Take on the 10 Most Important Issues Women Face. Penguin Group USA. 3. Halonen, JS and JW Santrock, 1996. Psychology: Contexts of Behavior, Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark, p.810. 4. __________ â€Å"Values: what are they?†2007. Family Works : University of Illinois extension. Accessed November 10. 2007. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/familyworks/values-01.html 5. _________Centre for Mediation Dispute Resolution, accessed in http://www.cmdronline.com/workshops.htm 6. Taber, Loren. The Law in the Workplace. Accessed February 28, 2008. http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:2K4rLBDHP90J:www.cbi-cc.org/PowerPoints/The%2520Law%2520in%2520the%2520Workplace.ppt+women+issues+on+discrimination+in+salary/wageshl=enct=clnkcd=1 7. _________ â€Å"Men vs Women: Asking for more Money. The Washington Post. July 30, 2007. Accessed February 28, 2008 http://ocouha.com/weblog/tags/earnings-income-salary-wages-wealth/ 8. _________ â€Å"Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Toronto Harassment support Group. Retrieved February 28, 2008. http://www.owjn.org/issues/s-harass/work.htm
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Software Piracy :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Software Piracy It is becoming increasingly difficult to manage a company without being involved with decisions concerning software. In our current North American society, nearly every firm uses some form of specialized software whether in the payroll department where the Chief Financial Officer most certainly employs specialized financial software to make financial projections, or through the use of computer interaction with the company bank. Manufacturing firms for example, rely heavily on specialized software for inventory control, billing, shipping and other critical functions. There are also various firms that develop new products and often use computer-aided design (CAD) software to develop and refine product ideas. This perhaps may lead one to argue that virtually every department within a modern company relies somewhat on the use of computer software (Baumer & Poindexter, 2002: 85). As such, it becomes increasingly important to recognize the various forms of software piracy and the necessary steps to be taken in order to prevent such abuses of Intellectual Property. Make or Buy: Weisband and Goodman (1993: 30-33) define software piracy as the direct, unauthorized copying of a program for commercial gain. The use of software involves a classic â€Å"make or buy†decision based on three options. The first option is that a firm may hire programmer-employees or an outside firm to create the software. The drawback in this situation is that the final product may be less than â€Å"perfect,†as employees who have previously created working software for a firm often re-use certain parts of it to save money. In these situations, the issue of ownership of the software is relatively simple. If the creator of the software is an employee, the employer of that person is automatically the owner of the copyright. The second option available to the firm is to contract with a software vendor of copyrighted and trademarked software for installation of their software, noting that a license agreement is necessary and secondly that various terms in the license agreement can be negotiable. In this situation the use of software is often restricted to â€Å"normal operations†meaning that the licensee cannot sell or rent access of the software to any other firm, and secondly that the use of software is restricted to a limited number of people within the firm (Baumer & Poindexter, 2002: 102).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Memory – Forgetting
Psychology (Memory) – Forgetting Definition: forgetting mean failure at anytime to recall an experience, when attempting to do, or to perform an action previously learned. Many Psychologists are interest in process by which forgetting take place, the researcher who found this field was Hermann ebbinghaus (1850-1909), he invented a lot of claptrap syllable in order to access a pure learning, one is the rate at which we forget. He used little or no meaning material because he knew learning new information is subjective by what we already know, therefore he decided to create a learning situation that were free of past knowledge. The way we forget stuff is highly predictable, when we gain some new information or knowledge, the forgetting take place right away. Ebbinghaus found that he forgot significant amount of the information within 20minutes, almost half of the useless information was forget ton in an hour, and almost two third of the information was forgotten by the end of the day. In 1973 Yarn ell and lynch took this experiment further by experimenting football player immediately after the injury and after twenty minutes of injury. They discovered that immediately after the injury the player remembered what strategy they and their team player were using but after twenty minutes they could not remember anything about the strategy; it completely disappeared from their memory. This may be because of damage also known as amnesia. Psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus was also one of the first scientists to study forgetting. He performed experiments in which he took himself as a subject to test his memory, by using three letter nonsense syllabuses. Like read about memories? Read also Flashbulb memory! He used different words to avoid similarities of words that he went through in past. And to this he tested his own memory for period ranging from 20minutes to 31days. His results plotted a curve, also known as ebbinghaus forgetting curve, which showed the relationship between forgetting and time. Due to this he found out that information is lost very quickly after it is learned, cause like how information was learned and how likely it was rehearsed play very important role in memories lost. Another important point was the curve showed that the forgetting doesn’t take place until all the information is lost, its shows after a certain point the decline in forgetting curve is off. This indicates that some of the useful information is stored in the long term memory, which is stable. Earliest idea about how forgetting take place, by gradually decaying if they are not reinforced by recalling, however the idea was virtually impossible to investigate. There may be some events that we remember very clearly throughout some years and sometime we are unable to remember thing that we do daily or see them; inability to recall accurately the things that are very familiar to us, are one of the oddest phenomena of forgetting. We do forget information because we don’t allow information to store into our long term memory, also known as encoding failures (prevent information to be stored in long term memory). In a well known experiments, subjects were asked to reconigize U. S penny out of a group of many incorrect pennies, the result were that subjects were able to remember the shape and color of penny but forgot the minor details, and the reason behind this is that the details which are necessary for differentiating the pennies from other coins were encoded in our long term memory In early centuries of forgetting, psychologists came up with two theories, 1) Memory trace simply fades with time, this was sensible to them and most things seem to fade with time, but experiments showed that this theory was wrong. In 1935 wilder Penfield a neurosurgeon in McGill University started an experiment. A patient lay in the operation theatre with the top of her head skull off while Dr. inserted slim electrodes in her brain, the idea behind was to trigger a little electric current through each electrode in turn, to stimulate the area of brain in which it was buried, that’s why he was able to learn about brain, which part of brain had what function. When he sent first jolt of electricity and ask patient what was happening, patient told that he can feel something funny in her ear, second jolt twitched her foot. After sometime something strange happened, when he sent a jolt the patient reported that she was back in her childhood and can hear her mother calling her to come in kitchen and this happened around thirty year back, but she could remember every bit of it i. e. expression on her face, word spoken. All of this had been stored perfectly in her brain. Dr. Penfield continued his xperiments until 1960 and showed many times with the patients that he could bring up memories so brilliantly that subject were felt that they are reliving in bit of their past, and in this way he could listen to the stories of the subject and found what happened with them, it was also predicted that everyone of us came with a perfect photographic memory, our brain literally store each and every bit of what we do, hear, taste, smell or touch. But the qu estion arises that with the perfect photographic memory, why we still forget things? Only the brain in our body is the part that can’t feel pain that is because brain surgery can be carried without any anesthetic. The subject is given something to numb scalp and skull, then the surgeon drill through the skull, but in case the drill slipped or started gouge into the brain, still the subject will not feel any pain. This is a bonus point for the surgeon. Having a patient who lays there a sack of meat instead they have somebody who can tell what’s happening as they probe and snipe] In 1901 Freud discovered that the reason behind why we forget things is because we don’t want to hold back memories which are disturbing to us. This is what called motivational forgetting, a sign of some unconscious wish, fulfillment, i. e. forgetting about the appointment with doctor. A blow or wound on head may result in loss of memory for event ending up to accident. There are two type of motivation forgetting a) suppression (a conscious form of forgetting) and b) repression (an unconscious form of forgetting) 2) Idea was that old memories are sometime crowded out by new ones. This also seems to be wrong because if incase memory push old one out then the more we learn, the more we are going to forget. This is known as Theories of Forgetting How does process of forgetting take place and when:1) Maximum amount of forgetting take place right after the learning task is finished2) Maximum amount of forgetting take place rapidly, thought out the first day3) The first fourteen day, forgetting take place considerably4) After two weeks, the forgetting process slows down, but there is not much to forget5) It is much difficult to remember what we heard then what we read6) Sometime forgetting is not correctly labeled, the causes can be normally be a) Pseudo- forgettingb) Mental blur forgettingCauses of forgetting:1) Duration of learning things is also a factor of forgetting. The more taken to learn stuff, the easier is to forget it2) If the lesson is half learnt then forgetting will take place very quickly3) Another major of forgetting will be an injury or shock i. e. mnesia4) Lone tiring mental work makes us mentally fatigued and exhausted, and alertness level is lowered due to which forg etting become easier5) Rest causes pauses help in consolidation, due to want of sleep cause forgetting6) â€Å"we forget because we want to forget†as we want to forget things that disturb us i. e. horror movies and sorrows, therefore we pretty soon forget them Often forgetting can be due to objective but sometime in some cases mental conditions also inherent.Forgetting Forgetting is the inability to recall previously learned information Forgetting rate is steep just after learning and then becomes a gradual loss of recall â€Å"Generally, forgetting is viewed negatively. However, sometimes when information is no longer relevant, it is beneficial to forget so that memory does not become overloaded with irrelevant and potentially interfering information†(Bork, 1970). I. e. to remember a new number of a friend cell phone, we have to forget the old one. Forgetting intentional is studied in laboratory as DIRECT FORGETTING. There are many alternative of direct forgetting, most of them can be classify as list method or item method (Macleod 1998) In 2008, Hourihan, presented non categorized pictures of some common objects while at study and recognition, where as in one condition the pictures were mixed with in the presentations of words in both point of experiment, and there was no forgetting effect was found in both study and recognition, there was a little effect in pictures conditions. But Hourihan was not relevant to this purpose; there was no direct comparison of direct forgetting for pictures alone versus words. There are couples of more reason too due to which we forget information, and Elizabeth loftus has identifies four reasons, why do people forget 1) Retrieval theory: There would be a time when all of a sudden you would feel like the information that you remembered a second ago vanished away, or you feel like the information is there but you are not able to get a hold on it. It is also known as decay theory. This mean a memory trace is made every single time when a new theory is formed or new information is learned 2) Interference It means that sometime memories compete or interfere with similar memories that were previously stored. There are two kind of interference theory a) Proactive interference b) B) retroactive interference 3) Failure to store: sometime we forget information because we don’t give it importance and the information isn’t able to be in long term memory 4) Motivation theory: (already talked about it) Conclusion: This experiments from all the psychologist shows that forgetting information varies, either it can be done purposely, accidently, due to stress and in order to sleep. Sometime it is motivated to forget which can have a bad effect in future (i. e. skipping an important class purposely and mailing tutor about sickness and later student release that today was an important day and it was very important for him/her) It is hard to say that there could be further experiments about forgetting, as it would be really difficult to tell that the subject was telling a lie or truth taking the same example as skipping class, the might get sick letter anyhow, but how could be it proven that he really some sickness or pain. Although it may be possible with some highly specialized psychologist, if they can make something which can help other scientist to study further in forgetting memory. However, as in 1935 wilder Penfield discovered that by sending a small jolt his subject went back into time and could feel the same way she used to, and he found out that all and every bit of the information is stored in our mind, and nothing had been forgotten even after thirty years. As brain is complicated part of our body, therefore it would be much harder to study every bit of it, but due to research and development psychologist have came up with many experiment and discoveries, and they should motivate students to come in this field so that it can grow more and more discoveries could be made. * The New York time company: A. Explanation for forgetting: reason why we forget B. Forgetting: when memory fails * Direct Forgetting [Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology  © 2010 Canadian Psychological Association 2010, Vol. 4, No. 1, 41–46] * A global theory of remembering and forgetting from multiple list [Journal of Experimental Psychology:  © 2009 American Psychological Association Learning, Memory, and Cognition 2009, Vol. 35, No. 4, 970–988] * Encyclopedia of psychology [Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2nd ed. Gale Group, 2001] a) Forgetting b) Ebbinghaus Forgetting curve * Forgetting and learning: Cause of forgetting * Explanation for fo rgetting by Elizabeth lofthus (about. com)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Child Life During the American Revolution Essay
During the American Revolution, children were not a big involvement in it, but, they were still active during it. Well, during this time, there was not really a good schools system for children. Boys were usually out working a job or going to school. They did most of the money work out of all the children. Also, while the boys were working, the girls were at home learning proper etiquette from their mother or a house slave. Girls were taught to be very lady-like during all hours. It was very rare to see a girls go to school getting a proper education. Lastly, some of the older boys were out fighting in the Revolutionary War. Boys would do war work at a young age back then. One thing that boys did during the American Revolution is go to school and get jobs. Their type of school system during the American Revolution was not like our school system today. In the late 1700s weren’t as structured, settled, and complicated. At the schools the boys went to they learn mostly about Christianity and how to read and write. Boys went to grammar school and college. There was a public school that was free for education and then there was a private school that you have to pay. People in the Middle Class and Upper Class were usually the only class of people that attended school. Back then, school wasn’t mandatory. If a boy wasn’t in school he would usually be working. It was usually a low paying job because money was limited during the American Revolution. There are very few jobs that a boy (not a man) can get during the American Revolution. One of the only jobs a boy could get is a place in the war. As in, they’d be participating in the Revolutionary War. One thing that girls did during the American Revolution is staying at home learning proper etiquette. They’d usually learn this from their mother. If they were in a household where slaves were treated respectably and knew how to read and write, (for example, how Miss Mary Finch treated Isabel and her family in the book Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson) then sometimes an elderly house slave would teach her while her mom is gone. Sometimes when a family doesn’t own a slave they stay home and clean, usually. It was very rare for a girl to have a proper education in this period of time. Girls were not allowed in in grammar school or college, but most girls still knew how to read and write. I a girl waned to have an education whatsoever she would have to attend a homeschooled education. Homeschooled girls were not educated at the same level the boys that went to school were. The girls were taught religion too, but, hey were only taught simple math and simple English. They weren’t really taught anything complicated. Lastly, a common job that a boy would get during the American Revolution is going into the Revolutionary War. Though most of the men fighting in the war were from the ages 8 to 50 or 60, there were boys that were 12 at the youngest. The actually had a pretty important job in the war. Most of the 12, 13, and 14 year olds were â€Å"drummer boys†. The drummer boys made â€Å"field music†for the soldiers. The drums were an important means of conveying orders to the soldiers on the battlefield. Some children were â€Å"powder monkeys†. â€Å"Powder moneys†are the people whose job was to run and carry powder charges from the lower ship below the waterline to the gun crews shooting the cannons during the battles. The older kids (about 15 or 16) went out to sea as midshipmen. A midshipman is a navel cadet. As you can see, children weren’t handed that many opportunities during this period of time. There weren’t children out playing with their friends, going to the movies, etc. They were very limited to what they could do. Boys could, really, only go to school or get a job. Girls just stayed home and rarely go a proper education. Also, boys could join he war. The child life during the American Revolution was very limited.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Synthetic Sublime
Ozick’s essay â€Å"The Synthetic Sublime†talks about New York’s disappearances and reappearances every 75-100 years as a new city with new immigrants, new pursuits, and new shapes, faithfully inconstant by the ambition that builds the city. â€Å"A farmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart,†are some of the ambitious people that make up New York. Some others in Ozick’s essay such as Willa Gather begin in Red Cloud, Nebraska, ended on Bank Street and Jackson Pollock, born in Cody, Wyoming, landed in New York. Why? New York whatever the season is- is ambition. The author states, â€Å"That here, right here, is importance, achievement, delight in the work of the world; that here, right here, is the hope of conne ction, and life in its fulfillment.†New York ambition has changed its face. Fifty years ago, young people did not have the opportunities like that of today’s life style. Postal clerks and bank tellers were considered to be â€Å"family men,†while the young ones were required to wait patiently for their turn. Power and position were the sovereign right of the middle age, and a twenty-three-year-old would have to wait and wait for his/her opportunity to come. It was told in Ozick’s essay that opportunity and recognition for the young were light-years away. Although, a few writers broke out early: Mary McCarthy at twenty-two, Norman Mailer at twenty-five, and Philip Roth; they are all considered to be prodigies and are exceptions.... Free Essays on The Synthetic Sublime Free Essays on The Synthetic Sublime Ozick’s essay â€Å"The Synthetic Sublime†talks about New York’s disappearances and reappearances every 75-100 years as a new city with new immigrants, new pursuits, and new shapes, faithfully inconstant by the ambition that builds the city. â€Å"A farmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart,†are some of the ambitious people that make up New York. Some others in Ozick’s essay such as Willa Gather begin in Red Cloud, Nebraska, ended on Bank Street and Jackson Pollock, born in Cody, Wyoming, landed in New York. Why? New York whatever the season is- is ambition. The author states, â€Å"That here, right here, is importance, achievement, delight in the work of the world; that here, right here, is the hope of conne ction, and life in its fulfillment.†New York ambition has changed its face. Fifty years ago, young people did not have the opportunities like that of today’s life style. Postal clerks and bank tellers were considered to be â€Å"family men,†while the young ones were required to wait patiently for their turn. Power and position were the sovereign right of the middle age, and a twenty-three-year-old would have to wait and wait for his/her opportunity to come. It was told in Ozick’s essay that opportunity and recognition for the young were light-years away. Although, a few writers broke out early: Mary McCarthy at twenty-two, Norman Mailer at twenty-five, and Philip Roth; they are all considered to be prodigies and are exceptions....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Power A Successful Blog Through Storytelling With Jeff Bullas
How To Power A Successful Blog Through Storytelling With Jeff Bullas How do you deliver traffic to your blog? How do you move from chasing an audience to attracting and keeping one? Today, we’re talking to Jeff Bullas, an internationally renowned speaker on digital marketing, including social media, blogging, and brand building. His mission is to help people win at business and life in the digital world through the art of storytelling. Storytelling: If people forget what you told them, they won’t forget how you made them feel Marketers in different countries face the same problems; they all want more traffic and conversions How Jeff took a $10 investment to generate more than 25 million visitors Books and blogs that inspired Jeff Build credibility and create content Description of Jeff’s virtual team; how he avoids the office because it feels like work instead of fun Make your brand memorable Connection between storytelling, social media, and driving traffic to your blog Make your audience the hero of a journey; convince people that they are capable With traffic, you have to earn and own it to convert it to leads and sales Passion and purpose is not a destination, it’s a calling and journey Develop a daily routine that becomes a habit Where to start: Ask yourself, Why am I here? What’s my passionate purpose? Links: Jeff Bullas Website Jeff Bullas’ Blog Jeff Bullas on Twitter Jeff Bullas on YouTube The New Rules of Marketing and PR book Jeremy Epstein’s blog Tim Ferriss’ 4-Hour Workweek book HubSpot Blog Deep Work book Building a StoryBrand book Contently The Storytelling Edge Todd Brown and Marketing Funnel Automation Gary Vaynerchuk AMP on iTunes leave a review and send screenshot to podcast@.com If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes from Jeff Bullas: â€Å"The reality is that it’s your story and that’s where it starts to become powerful†â€Å"This is still very driven by what Im passionate about, which is making a difference, creating content, learning to write better, learning to tell better stories†â€Å"If you love what youre doing, that will make it so much easily to actually sit down and create content, inspire, entertain, and educate, thats what’s really important.â€
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Critically discuss crowdfunding as a source of funding for technology Essay
Critically discuss crowdfunding as a source of funding for technology ventures - Essay Example The European commission is presently dedicated towards releasing the potential of crowdfunding in the European Union, with the aim of enhancing the longer-term funding of enterprises and encouraging innovation (EOS Gallup Europe, 2005). Technology ventures have been on the rise lately, particularly due to high public technology interest; these ventures rely on scientific and technological advancement, selection as well as development of new products, assets or their attributes (Berger & Udell, 1998:1). Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up a vast proportion of all the new jobs creations, with start-up companies introducing new ideas or processes of production that revolutionize ways of doing things. In the European Union, SMEs are considered to be non-subsidiary, autonomous businesses that employ fewer than 250 employees while in the US, SMEs entails firms with less than 500 workers. SMEs have gained increased attention in the previous years, as a result of their massive growth that has been attributed to the increased access to financing (Berggren, Olofsson, Silver, 2000). According to Grant Thornton, a guest speaker from Les Ross, SMEs get most of their funding from banks; given that SMEs account for the greatest number of businesses and jobs in the European Union (Kira, 2013), the commission projects that crowdfunding has the capacity to promote economic growth and job creation. This paper critically discusses crowdfunding as a potentially alternative source of funding for technology ventures, with particular attention given to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The global crowdfunding industry has experienced massive growth over the years, especially with the rapid growth of internet resources (Deakins & Freel 2012, p.9). By 2013, this industry had been estimated to be worth over $5.1 billion. The concept
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity - Essay Example According to the research findings leveraged buyout first came into the picture as an important phenomenon in 1980s. It was predicted that these types of organizations would form the major portion of organization which will eventually become the dominant one. These types of private equity firms involved themselves in various measures like providing incentives based on managerial abilities, and introduced the concept of active governance. They relied upon the possibility of junk bond financing. A few years later the junk bond market crashed resulting in bankruptcy of several leveraged buyouts and the leveraged buyouts of public to private transactions vanished in the starting phases of 1990s. But the market of leveraged buyout was also suffering a gloomy phase as the private equity firms continued their operation by acquiring private companies. The US experienced the boom in market of leveraged buyout in the mid 2000s. The evidences supported by various researches on some selected com panies reveals that private equity investors took the advantages of time factor between the debt and equity markets. The importance of leveraged buyout lies in the usage of financial leverage in order to strengthen the acquisition of the company that has been targeted. The generated cash flow from the bought out business is used to cover he debt incurred in the acquisition. The debt holders are usually expected to earn affixed return while the equity holders seem to grasp all the benefits in a successful buyout. The factors that influence a good leverage buyout includes strong consumer base, small amount of debt on balance sheet, the management team consisting of dependable hands and continuous cash flow (Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth , 2003, p.p. 7-8). Private equity firms Private equity firms are characterized by firms where general partners take the initiative to manage funds while the other partners take the responsibility to provide capital. The limited partners comprise of pension funds, wealthy individuals, and companies operating in the insurance sector. It is important for a partner to contribute to at least 1 percent of the wealth of the firm. The private equity firms has the opportunity to invest the committed capital for at least five years but the period can be extended to ten to thirteen years to return the capital. Again the fund has the life of ten fixed years but can have the extension to thirteen. The limited has little liability in the working of the capital as long as the initial agreements are met. The agreements include restrictions on the amount of capital that can be invested in a company, the particular form of securities in which to invest, and on the level of debt. There are three ways to compensate a general partner. With an annual management fee which is usually a portion of the committed capital and then as a portion of capital employed when the investments are realized. The general partners also earn a share of the profits and they can also charge fees for deal and monitoring to the companies where they put their money in. Portfolio
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